reports that 194 foreign nationals were deported from the Province of Bali in 2022.
Records kept by the Bali Ministry of Law and Human Rights office said the largest deportations involved Brazilians and U.S. nationals. The Bali Chief of Immigration, Anggiat Napitupulu, confirmed 194 deportations through 20 December 2022.

Napitupulu also confirmed that 15 Brazilians were deported for violating the terms of their visas. The Brazilians failed to pass the on-arrival interview process at Bali’s Airport, causing immigration examiners to presume those rejected were not visiting Indonesia for tourism purposes but for professional and business reasons.
A group of 15 Brazilians was denied entry into Indonesia.
Immigration also deported 12 U.S. Nationals in 2022, mainly for overstaying their visas.
Anggiat said that of the 194 foreigners deported in 2022, most were deported for overstaying their visas. Others were deported after completing a prison sentence or because they were caught involved in activities not allowed under their visa class.