Forgive this intrusion to renew our appeal for donations to the Bali Update Go Fund Me Appeal
The tourism business that helped sustain and fund the publication of Bali Update over the past 23-years of award-winning travel and tourism journalism, like other businesses, has suffered financially due to the continuing lack of visitors to the Island. In fact, articles promoting restaurants and hotels found in the latest editions of Bali Update that in earlier times have generated some revenues are now few and far between. In the current economic circumstance, these articles on hotels and restaurants are written and published primarily without charge to support and help industry colleagues who are also struggling to sustain operations in the face of minimal cash flows.

Meanwhile, the cost of producing Bali Update still demands a substantial investments of time in researching and writing the newsletter. There is also the additional expense of paying for an Internet Service Provider, website hosting fees, automated email delivery systems, a range of security programs to keep hackers at bay, and other computer applications – all necessary to operate a modern ethical newsletter system.
Despite the global tourism and economic downturn, the subscribed readership and number of articles opened on our website continue to rank at an all-time high. Such a high level of traffic proves Bali Update enjoys a keen and loyal readership and speaks to the high regard for which Bali continues to be held, even in troubled times such as these. What’s more, if people aren’t necessarily traveling to Bali at the moment, they are at least dreaming about coming for a visit based on the Island still being voted as the favorite holiday destination in many leading polls and surveys.
To help Bali’s economy recover, our continuing mission to share news about Bali is now more important than ever. Each issue contains important tourism-related news on Bali, including the procedures, protocols, and inducements being offered to travelers needed to fill hotels and restaurants and once again provide gainful employment to many struggling workers and their families.

If you’re among the 200 kind souls that have already donated any amount to Bali Update’s Go Fund Me Campaign, please accept our sincere thanks. If you’d like to donate for the first time or again, please follow the provided link for Go Fund Me. Incidentally, by way of explanation, the name of the Organizer Leslie Neilson, listed on the Go Fund Me Page, is a much-loved niece of the Bali Update’s Editor. She lives in the USA and is helping coordinate the Go Fund Me Campaign, which cannot yet link to an Indonesian bank account. In other words, be assured your donations definitely arrive at our office in Bali.
Alternatively, if you’re a Bali-based business or an international company interested in promoting your products via our website and newsletter, please drop us an Email .
Thanks for taking the time to read this appeal and your anticipated kind consideration to help us continue to help us tell Bali’s side of the story to the world.