Kompas.com reports on Tuesday, 06 July 2021, that the Intensive Care Units (ICUs) at the three hospitals designated to receive COVID-19 patients in Denpasar Bali are filled.
100% occupancy of ICU Critical Care Beds is confirmed at RSUD Wangaya, RSUP Sanglah, and the RS Bali Mandara.

The head of the Denpasar Health Department, Dr. Ni Luh Putu Sri Armini, told the press on 06 July 2021, “The ICU units at the three hospitals designated for COVID referrals in Denpasar are already filled to more than 100%.” Armini said the lack of available beds is directly connected to the sudden increase in COVID-19 cases in Bali.
The health department is communicating with hospitals and other agencies, warning them to expect even more COVID-19 cases as the number of new infections are being reported in unprecedented numbers.
In Bali, hospitals generally report bed occupancy levels of 70-80%, excluding the filled-to-capacity beds in ICU for COVID-19 patients.
Armini assured that the supply of medical oxygen in Bali remains sufficient to meet current requirements.
At the same time, Armini admitted many hospitals in Denpasar were on alert and carefully scrutinizing the shortage of oxygen experienced on the Island of Java, ensuring this does not occur in Bali. Adding: “All hospitals in Denpasar are involved in what is figuratively a heart-stopping game, praying that they do not experience a depletion of critical medical oxygen, as was the case in some areas of Java.”
Denpasar’s chief medical officer took pains to underline that, for the time being, oxygen supplies in Denpasar still have sufficient standby capacity.
Saying the developing health situation in Bali remains uncertain, Armini urged the public to diligently follow all health protocols so the growing number of COVID-19 cases can be brought under control.
Adding: “Because the new PPKM Darurat (i.e., lockdown) regulations have only just come into effect, we cannot see the immediate result. It is hoped that in two weeks, new infections will begin to decline.”
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