Kadek Adnyana, founder of the Bali Villa Rental and Management Association (BVRM), is lamenting and questioning the growing visibility of foreign nationals working in villa rental and management in Bali.
Beritabali.com reports that Kadek Adnyana condemns foreign nationals working in the villa rental sector, where villa ownership is reserved exclusively for Indonesian citizens. He claims that foreign nationals are misusing their immigration status to work outside the law and avoid taxes.

United in their vision, hundreds of BVRM members, all Indonesian nationals, are committed to operating their businesses legally and in an organized manner.
On Friday, 21 June 20204, Adnyana said: “Many foreign tourists have become owners and built businesses here without being subject to taxes and government regulations. Meanwhile, those of us who are legal have to follow strict government regulations. There is no proper control of the system. This creates irregularities in the villa rental business.”
He complained that many foreign nationals in Bali illegally operate rental villas without official monitoring and control. “We, as entrepreneurs, feel uncomfortable that we are being mistreated by the government, which is paying little attention to this problem. We at BVRM have gathered ourselves to be able to voice our concerns so that in the future, this situation will no longer occur,” he said.
Adnyama highlighted the significant impact of these illegal villa operations, which are causing a noticeable decline in income for local entrepreneurs.
Underlining the concerns of BVRM members, Adnyana said: “We see that the airport is welcoming around 12,000 tourist arrivals every day while our villas remain empty. We wonder where these tourists are staying because our legal villas, which have complete permits, are still empty, as are some hotels.”
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