Get Up Close and Personal with Adorable Animals at Bali Farm House in North Bali.
Category: Parks and Gardens
Price Hike for Jatiluwih Terrace Visitors
Foreign Admission Ticket Prices Increased for World Heritage Site at Jatiluwih Rice Terraces
What’s New at the Bali Zoo: Asian Tapir
Bali Zoo Adds “Yuni” an Asian Tapir to its Collection of 600 Animals
Flying Over Indonesia – Trans Studio Bali
Indonesian Sabang to Merauke Flights with Trans Studio Bali Mall – Flying Over Indonesia
80Kg Kama, Baby Elephant Born at Bali Zoo
And Baby Kama Makes 15! Newborn Baby Elephant Joins the Herd at Bali Zoo.
GWK Welcomes in 2024 in Grand Style
8,888 Fireworks to be Launched in a 5-minute period at Midnight NYE at Garuda Wisnu Kencana Park – Bali
It’s Official: Climb Every Mountain Bali.
Bali Volcanic Mountains Open to Visitors. Governor’s Ban on Climbing Said to Lack Legal Basis.
Bali Reservoirs Operating at a Deficit
Illegal Logging Operations and Prolonged Dry Season Blamed for Extreme Water Deficit in West Bali.
Baby Himalayan Bears at Taman Safari Bali
The Amazing Taman Safari Bali Welcomes the Birth of Two Rare and Endangered Himalayan Black Bears
Fires Rages on Slopes of Bali’s Mt. Agung
Fire on Slopes of Mt. Agung Volcano in Bali Out of Control.
Geophysical Surveys at Pura Luhur Uluwatu
PUPR Survey Teams Investigating Geophysical Structure and Soundness of Cliff-Base Under Bali’s Pura Luhur Uluwatu.
Uluwatu Temple Cliff Set to Crumble?
Worries Grow that Bali’s Iconic Uluwatu Temple is in Danger of Toppling 70-Meters into the Bali Sea.