Denpasar, Bali Now Allows Shops In Low COVID-19 Contagion “Green Zones” to Stay Open Until 11:00 PM.
Category: Politic
Hare Krishnas Opposed by Bali Hindus
Tensions Grow in Bali Between Mainstream Bali Hindus and Hare Krishna Sect.
Absolute Need for Bali Tourism Recovery
Coordinating Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan Says Opening of Bali for Domestic Tourism Signals Start of Economic Recovery
Indonesia Restarts a Homecoming Tradition
Indonesian Transportation Ministry Preparations for Reopening of Domestic Travel on 31 July 2020.
Encouraging Start to Bali’s “New Normal”
4,000 Tourists Arrive in Bali on 31 July 2020 as Bali Reopens for Domestic Travel
Lavaya Resort Ignoring Beach & Zoning Rules
The Lavaya Luxury Residence and Resort in South Bali Accused by Lawmaker of Breaking Zoning and Building Codes.
Yogis in Illegal Positions in Ubud, Bali
Russians Rodion Antonkin (40) and Albina Mukhamadullina (31) Arrested for Illegally Teaching Yoga in Ubud, Bali to be Deported.
Obstacles to Bali Restarting Tourism
Without a Revision of Visa Policy and the Opening of Borders in the Region, the Planned 11 September 2020 Reopening of Bali Tourism May Become a Non-Starter.
Bali Kite Flyer Facing Jail in PLN Outage
Dewa Ketut Sunardiya (50) Faces Possible Five Year Prison Sentence When His Kite Causes 5-Hour PLN Outage to 71,121 Bali Consumers.
Bali Welcomes Trial Role in Tourism Restart
Bali Deputy-Governor Tells National TV Audience that Bali is Pleased to Pioneer “PIlot Project” for Recovery of Indonesian Tourism.
Denpasar Roadsides Off-Limits to Traders
Denpasar, Bali Officials Take Action to Remove Roadside Mobile Vendors to Reduce Traffic Congestion and Improve Safety.
Bali Coed Lied to the Bali Police
24-Year-Old North Bali Nursing Student, Leti Fuji Lestari, Caught Lying to Buleleng Police.