Citilink – the low-cost airline subsidiary of the Indonesian flag carrier Garuda Indonesia – has announced changes in its directors following the convening of an outside-the-general-meeting-of- shareholders (RUPS). As a result of that meeting, Juliandra Nurtjahjo, the Citilink CEO (Direktur Utama), was replaced with the appointment of Dewa Kadek Rai.

Prasetio, the Chief Commissioner of Citilink, in a written statement released on Friday, 18 February 2022, said: “The change in the company’s management is in line with Citilink’s focus on performance as part of the Garuda Indonesia Group’s intention to be more adaptive and competitive in responding to the challenges of business performance in the new normal era.”
The shareholders’ meeting also granted the Commissioners the responsibility of appointing a temporary or ad interim director of finance and risk management.

The change in the management structure of the airline will remain in effect until a future general shareholders meeting confirms the changes or decides on alternative appointments.
Quoted by and CNN Indonesia, Parsetio said: “We express our appreciation to the board of directors and commissioners who have completed their term of office and for their best contribution that has allowed Citilink to continue to grow as one of the leading airlines in Indonesia, especially during the challenges of a pandemic that has an extraordinary impact on the aviation industry.”
Prasetio went on to explain that the change in Citilink’s directors was a strategic step undertaken to make the airline more innovative during the continuing global pandemic. Continuing, Prasetio said: “This change in the composition of the board of directors and the board of commissioners should have a positive impact on Citilink’s performance, so (the airline) can continue to drive significant growth. Additionally, the change will further optimize opportunities within the aviation industry, especially the Low-Cost Carrier aviation market sector, which will become more competitive in Indonesia in the future.”
The updated list of Citilink’s Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners:
Board of Directors
CEO: CEO or Direktur Utama: Dewa Kadek Rai
Commercial and Cargo Director: Ichwan Agus
Operational Director: Erlangga Sakti
Director of Human Capital: Arief Adhi Sanjaya
Board of Commissioners
Chief Commissioner: Prasetio
Commissioner: Hasan M. Soedjono
Commissioner: Adita Irawati
Commissioner: Bambang Gutomo
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