The State News Agency Antara quotes the Minister of Tourism and the Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, reminding Bali’s leaders that tourism development must be distributed on a broader geographic basis and not be allowed to accumulate in limited areas.

Ensuring a more equitable spread of tourism development will prevent the adverse condition Sandiaga terms “overtourism” in Bali. “Overtourism” is a condition where certain, limited areas receive more tourists than they can reasonably handle and results in other problems that include traffic jams, increased crime, and public disorder.
To avoid “overtourism” and its resulting adverse effects, Sandiaga’s Ministerial team is cooperating with the Provincial Government of Bali to enhance the tourism potential in Bali’s west, east, and north to lure tourists away from the popular tourist destinations in the Island’s south. Sandiaga said on Saturday, 02 July 2022: “I have been trading data with the Head of Tourism for the Province of Bali and the Deputy Governor of Bali on how to distribute proceeds of the development (of tourism) so it doesn’t all accumulate in Bali’s south. If this is not done, Bali will return to the pre-pandemic situation of overcrowding and ‘overtourism.'”

According to data compiled by the Central Statistic Bureau (BPI), the number of foreign tourists coming to Indonesia, including Bali, has increased 500% in April 2022 compared to April 2021. Meanwhile, an average of 15,000 domestic and 7,000 foreign tourists are visiting Bali daily in Bali.
The tourism minister is concerned with the revival of tourism in Bali, characterized by crowded road conditions. “Many roads are jammed. We need to promote a travel plan,” Sandiaga told the head of the Bali Tourism Service Tjok Bagus Pemayun.
Accordingly, the Tourism Minister plans to travel the length and breadth of the Island to help develop tourist attractions in Bali’s east, west, and north. “Next week, we will travel to Bali’s west. Then, each week after that, we will circle the island to the west, north, and east because Bali’s south is beginning to suffer from ‘overtourism.’ We want to create events and tourism activities in these other areas,” said Sandiaga.
Sandiaga also said that plans focus on persuading foreign visitors to undertake sustainable quality tourism activities. “So let’s not just pursue numbers, but also quality and how to ensure they have a positive effect on the local community,” said Sandiaga.