On Thursday, 29 July 2020, in the run-up to the long weekend that starts with the Idul Adha holiday, Indonesia’s Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, issued instructions to his ministry offices nationwide to be prepared for a sudden increase in passengers and traffic on roadways, seaports, and airports. The rise in traffic to be comprised of both holidaymakers and Muslim travelers seeking to gather with family and friends.

Tribunbali.com quoted Minister Sumadi, who said: “We have anticipated movement on all transportation modules – on national roads and toll roads, and in tourist areas where an increase in the flow of vehicles is expected due to long weekends starting Friday, Saturday and Sunday.”
Because of the minister’s instructions, police and transportation officials were deployed to key areas to improve coordination and control in the field.
Sumadi took pains to point out that, unlike the Lebaran holidays in late May, no prohibition has been issued by the government outlawing homecoming journeys during the current Lebaran Haji holiday.
The Transportation Minister said the public traveling in Indonesia must obey the rules and regulations outlined in Circular Number 9 of 2020 issued by the Task Force for the Mitigation of the COVID-19 Pandemic. “We are trying to build public trust to feel confident using public transportation such as buses, trains, planes, and ships. Some time ago, I looked at several transportation nodes at the airports; bus stations; ports and terminal in Jakarta, Tangerang, Merak, Solo, Jogja – and the application of health protocols were quite good,”
Sumadi called on the public to remain disciplined and follow health protocol when using public transport. Specifically, the public must wear masks and, whenever possible, face shield. Transport users must also frequently wash and sanitize their hands while maintaining physical distance from other travelers. People entering Bali by air or boat will also be required to present proof of a recent “negative” result on a COVID-19 Rapid Test.
Before the Idul Adha holiday, the Ministry of Transportation provided livestock transport to move the animal sacrifices needed in conjunction with the religious holiday. The transport provided by the government included six ships for livestock transport. At the same time, the Ministry ensured the smooth movement of logistical traffic on the Nation’s roads, supplying necessities to the public.