Bali’s Governor Wayan Koster has welcomed plans to hold the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KADIN) annual national meeting and pledged his government would spare no effort to support and facilitate the gathering of Indonesian business leaders.

Quoted by the State News Agency Antara, Koster said: “I will support and facilitate what the national conference needs, also assisting with health protocols, and provide rapid antigen testing to the participants. The Province of Bali will do all possible to make sure the conference is safe and comfortable and does not cause any unrest and negative reactions from the Bali community.”
Koster saluted the decision of KADIN to hold their national conference in Bali as demonstrating faith in the destination and will be a significant step in restoring the Island’s tourism industry.
Koster said: “The presence of this group coming to Bali to hold their national conference represents trust in the Bali Provincial Government, as well as an important step to restore tourism and economic activities in Bali which have slumped severely.”
Governor Koster met with a delegation from KADIN led by Anindya Bakrie at the Governor’s office on Friday, 12 March 2021. Anidya is a candidate to become the next chairman of KADIN and once served as the Indonesian Ambassador to the United States.
The Governor wished Anindya good luck in the coming election for KADIN’s leadership and said he prayed for its important work.
Media reports did not mention the dates for the proposed annual general meeting of KADIN in Bali.