A circular memorandum issued on 05 July 2020 (Nomor 305/GUGASCOVID-19/VI/2020) from the Provincial Task Force for the Mitigation of COVID-19 remains in effect, stipulating the requirements for those traveling to or from Bali during the continuing pandemic.

As reported by Kompas.com, domestic travelers passing through Bali’s airport or one of its seaports must submit to the following requirements:
- Present an Indonesian Identity Card (KTP) or another form of valid identification.
- Show a valid certificate for a “negative” test result for COVID-19 by either a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test or Rapid Test issued within 14-days of its presentation to port officials.
- Before arriving in Bali, travelers must complete an online form available at https://cekdiri.baliprov.go.id and show port officials the QRCode issued at the time o application.
- Travelers from areas beyond Bali who are unable to present a KTP issued in Bali must be able to demonstrate a valid purpose of their travel to the Island. People hailing from outside Bali need to have a guarantor and complete the statement available online at https://cekdiri.baliprov.go.id . Those completing the online form will be issued a QR code that must be shown to Port Officials.
- Those intending to work in Bali for a government agency or a private enterprise for a period exceeding seven days must present valid proof of a “negative” COVID-19 Swab or Rapid Test issued within the past 14-days.
- Transit passengers leaving immediately for a destination beyond Bali need to present a certificate demonstrating a “negative” COVID-19 Swab or Rapid Test issued within the past 14-days.
- Those employed in the operation of public transport and vehicles carrying logistical supplies must present some form of official ID and a certificate proving a “negative” COVID-19 Swab or Rapid Test issued within the past 14-days. Those working on “Commuter transport” are eligible to obtain a special port pass issued by the Bali Department of Transportation.
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