On Monday, 02 August 2021, the Minister of Home Affairs (Instruksi Menteri Dalam Negeri No. 27 Tahun 2021) extended the semi-lockdown measures of PPKM Level 4, 3, and 2 in selected areas of Java and Bali.

The continuance of PPKM restrictions is based on the individual assessment undertaken in each area of Indonesia that contemplates trending rates of new infections and the availability of critical care beds in area hospitals.
Nine regencies and the metropolitan area of Denpasar have all been categorized at “Level 4” – the highest alert level. “Level 4” classification in Bali encompasses Denpasar, Tabanan, Jembranan, Gianyar, Badung, Bulelengm Bangli, Klungkung, and Karangasem. As a result, Bali remains on PPKM Level 4 restrictions on public activities until Monday, 09 August 2021.
The restrictions impose limitations on operating hours and activities. Until 09 August, shopping centers, malls, and commercial centers are to remain closed. Employees entering such areas to serve online business are exempted from the prohibition to a maximum limit of 3 people at each place of business.
Restaurants and eating places located in buildings and shopping centers remain closed to the general public but are allowed to only service delivery and takeaway orders. Dining on the premises is not permitted.
Meanwhile, public markets selling “non-essential” commodities can operate to a maximum of 50% customer capacity and close at 3:00 pm. “Push car vendors (kaki lima), grocery stores, voucher outlets, barbershops, laundries, hawkers, small repair shops, car washes, and alike are allowed to operate providing strict health protocols are observed, and they close at 8:00 pm following regional laws and regulations.
Dining at public places including warung, warteg, kaki lima, snack stands, and alike can operate until 8:00 pm providing strict health protocols are obeyed. Groups of diners must not exceed three people, and the maximum time allowed for dining is 20 minutes.
Specific details on how these rules will be enforced are left for the regional governments to decide.
Shops, restaurants, supermarkets, and self-service stores must follow the established protocols – serving groups that do not exceed 50% of their rated capacity and closing their doors at 8:00 pm.
Construction projects are allowed to continue while observing the relevant health protocols.
Places of worship (e.g., Mosques, Musholla, Churches, Temples (Pura), Vihara, and Klenteng) are forbidden to hold worship services during the lockdown period with the devout urged to conduct religious observances in their homes. Meanwhile, public areas such as parks, public tourism destinations, sports parks, and alike are ordered temporarily closed.
Similarly, art and cultural activities, sporting events, and pubic social gatherings are also closed during the lockdown. Public transportation can operate, providing the capacity does not exceed 50% of normal levels.
Wedding receptions are not permitted while PPKM Level 4 status is in effect.
Commenting separately, the COVID-19 Czar – Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, said Bali was among the areas of Indonesia requiring special attention due to the high level of confirmed cases, the high number of people testing positive for the virus (positivity rate), and the high number of deaths. Other areas beyond Bali warranting special monitoring are Malang, Yogyakarta, and Solo. Adding: “We are handling all these areas, and they should improve this week, Yesterday or very recently, the situation was showing some signs of improvement.”
Luhut said he felt confident the situation would improve in the coming week. His confidence is bolstered by the fact that many members of the public are voluntarily undertaking self-isolation which has resulted in some people being late in seeking intensive care from their local hospital, only seeking help when their saturated oxygen level had fallen below 90%,