Rotary Club Bali Nusa Dua celebrated its 30th anniversary on 30 June 2022 by also marking its two-thousandth cleft lip and palate repair operation given to needy community members.
Patient number 2,000 to receive life-changing surgery sponsored by Rotary Club Nusa Dua was a Balinese woman – Ni Made Tiara Darmayanti.

A long-standing community service project of Rotary Club Nusa Dua, the Cleft Palate surgery program has grown from providing simple surgeries to a comprehensive program providing dental care, speech therapy, and health education to people in Bali and East Nusa Tenggara.
Funded initially with Rotary Club Funds, the realization of the size of the population needing assistance teamed with the fact that some children require as many as 3-4 operations; it became clear that outside financial assistance was needed. In a program of fundraising that commenced during the Asian Financial Crisis, Rotary Club Nusa Dua has managed to raise more than US$1 million since 1994 to provide cleft palate surgeries.

Appreciative of past support, the Rotarians know much remains to be done and remain committed to assisting as many children as possible requiring cranial-facial corrective surgery.

A desire for sustainability has motivated Rotary Club Nusa Dua is providing financial support for two Bali-based plastic surgeons to undergo additional advanced training in 2022 at the Chang Gung Craniofacial Hospital in Taipei, Taiwan.
Email contact for more information and learn how you can support Rotary Club Nusa Dua’s Cleft Palate Surgical Program