The Bali Sports Foundation travels to Lombok to host and organize an inaugural Gili Ocean Swim headquartered at Medana Bay Marina, North Lombok, on Sunday, 06 February 2022.

The sustained popularity of Bali Ocean Swim Events organized by The Bali Sports Foundation over the past 12 years prompted the decision to take advantage of the relatively calm and current-free waters off the northwest coast of Lombok for the open ocean swim event conducted in distances of 1, 2, 5, and 10 kilometers.
Held in conjunction and with the cooperative support of the Medana Bay Marina, competition will be divided not only by distance swam but with competitive categories divided by age categories that include kids, junior, adults, masters, and Veterans.
Medana Bay Marina
Registration Fees:
Indonesian Citizens & KITAS holder
1.2 km: Rp. 300,000
5 km: Rp. 500,000
10 km: Rp. 800,000
Foreign Nationals
1.2 km: US$5
5 km: US$80
10 km: US$100
Registration and further information are available at Bali Sports Foundation Website.
Telephone WhatsApp +62 (0) 811-388-766
Bali Sports Foundation
Jalan Waribang, Gg. Titi Batu No. 1A – Kesiman Petilan
Denpasar Timur, Bali 80237, Indonesia
Telephone +62 361 472 1585