Parking Fees at Bali Airport to Increase

Parking and entrance fees at Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport will increase on 23 September 2024.

Airport authorities defend the higher entrance and parking fees, saying the increased revenues from these fees will allow for a higher quality of service and management in the parking facilities surrounding the airport. The new rate structure differentiates rates for airport entry, passenger meeting and drop-off rates, and short—and longer-term parking.

The General Manager of the Bali Airport, Handy Heryudhitiawan, explained that these changes are being implemented as part of a program of improvements in parking and access facilities first introduced in 2019. “Since 2019, we have continually improved supporting facilities such as the construction of new parking buildings at the international and domestic terminals, the construction of parking buildings for two-wheeled vehicles, and widening the roads within the airport. We are making this tariff adjustment to ensure the sustainability of the improvement in these facilities,” said Handy on Monday,09 September.

Handy said the most recent adjustment in motor entrance fees and parking rates occurred in 2021.

The new rates effective 23 September are:

Parking Fee for Four-wheeled Vehicles:

  • Rp. 12,000 for the first hour 
  • Rp.  6,000 for each subsequent hour

Parking Fee for Two-Wheeled Vehicles:

  • Rp.  5,000 for the first twelve hours
  • Rp.  3,000 for each subsequent hour

Parking Fee for Six-wheeled Vehicles

  • Rp. 16,000 for the first hour
  • Rp.   6,000 for each subsequent hour

Handy promised that the 6% to 33% increase in parking fees would generate revenues to provide higher service levels to Airport patrons. An Indonesian Consumer Protection Foundation survey resulted in an “A” or “Very Good” rating for services provided by Bali’s Airport.

Meanwhile, Djoko Setyo Prambudi, the Director of The Airport Parking Authority, has pledged his team’s dedication to providing outstanding service to the public visiting and parking at the Bali Airport. 

“As the parking manager at Ngurah Rai Airport, we will ensure that all supporting parking service facilities such as toll gate operations, readiness of parking building facilities, and parking arrangements at the Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport are always in prime condition for the convenience of airport service users,” said Djoko. 

Meanwhile, the Director of the Bali Consumer Protection Foundation (YLPK), I Putu Armaya, said that Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport has successfully ensured public satisfaction with airport services.

Based on a survey conducted last August on around 300 respondents, Ngurah Rai Airport was said to have received an “A” or “Very Good” score for public satisfaction.

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