Good news in the New Year of 2021 came from the State Power Company (PT PLN), which extended a range of customer subsidies until March 2021.
As reported by, the popular subsidies to reduce the cost of electricity to specific Indonesian consumers will continue for an additional three months until March 2021.

The commercial director and customer manager of PT PLN, Bob Saril, said on Friday, 01 January 2021: “Our system is prepared to continue the discounts because this is only a continuation (of the current program). We are optimistic the discounts program will go well.”
The subsidies will be available starting from 07 January 2021 and remain in effect until March 2021. As in previous months, customers who pay at the end of the billing period (“pasca bayar”) will see the applicable discount shown in their billing statements. Meanwhile, for customers paying for tokens in advance (“prabayar”), discounts will be the same as they enjoyed in late 2020.
The special discounts extended by PT PLN are:
For consumers using less than 450 VA: 100% Discount
For consumers using up to 900 VA: 50% Discount
Members of the public seeking more information on the discount and subsidies program can access more information online at or on WhatsApp at 08122 123 123.
Qualified consumers can obtain tokens online.
At this time, the number of PLN customers using 450-VA of power and enjoying COVID-19 subsidies total 24.16 million, and 7.87 million for 900-VA consumers.