President Probowo Subianto has proclaimed his commitment to build an Airport in North Bali as part of Indonesia’s newly elected Chief Executive’s plans to make Bali “The New Singapore.”
The President’s support of a North Bali Airport puts Prabowo at loggerheads with former President Megawati Soekarnoputri, who is opposed to building a second international airport in Bali.
Quoted in in comments made on Sunday, 03 November 2024, in Bali, President Probowo said: “I am committed. I want to build the North Bali International Airport. We will make Bali the new Singapore and Hong Kong, which will be the center of this region. We must work hard; we must dare to think big. Consider what others cannot do and prove these things (in Bali) possible. Indonesia must be prosperous, must be fair, all Indonesian people must enjoy prosperity, not just a handful of people,”

To achieve this, President Prabowo is asking Bali’s leaders to work hard and struggle so that Bali can become the spearhead for the awakening of eastern Indonesia.
During his Bali appearance, President Prabowo ate lunch with Bali gubernatorial candidate Made Muliawan Arya (also known as “De Gadjah”) and deputy governor candidate Putu Agus Suradhnyana; IB Rai Dhatmawijaya Mantra from the Regional Representative Council (DPD-RI); former Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika; together with several Bali regents.
Bali’s next governor will be elected via island-wide voting on 27 November 2024.
In his lunchtime comments, President Prabowo thanked the people of Bali for voting for him last February in an election in which the Prabowo-Gibran candidate ticket secured more than 60% of the popular vote.
Prabowo also told the gathering that he would seriously fight corruption during his term in office.
Prabowo Subianto continued, underlining his earnest desire to eradicate corruption, adding that some people disagree and are unhappy with his anti-corruption stance, but he cares little about their opinions.
The former Minister of Defense and now Indonesian President stated that Indonesia is rich and must be managed well. Prabowo asked all parties to be firm and brave in managing the wealth of the Indonesian Nation.
Quoted in, Prabowo called on the Island’s leaders to maintain Balinese customs and culture. Bali must be at the forefront of efforts to revive and build the Indonesian Nation. “We see that Bali is already famous. For future leaders, maintain Bali, protect the Balinese personality, and maintain Balinese culture,” Prabowo said.
Continuing, Prabowo said: “Cleanliness is the basis of beauty. It must be maintained: Don’t permit our greed, short-sighted way of thinking, or desire to build as we please and erect advertisements as we please to prevail. (If we are not careful) What is beautiful will become dirty. If what is seen is not interesting, why would visitors come to Indonesia, especially to Bali?”
Prabowo warned regional heads to pay attention to the advertisements they put up. He asked them not to be too big and to always pay attention to the Island’s beauty.
The President also pleaded that leaders pay attention to building and other permits. Prabowo said that on 07 November, he will gather all Regents, Mayors and Governors, military leaders, police officials, and others to provide direction to raise awareness of the need to protect the environment.
President Prabowo also used the occasion to endorse and support the governor-deputy governor candidacy of Made Muliawan Arya (De Gadjah) and Putu Agus Suradnyana.
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