Both Java and Bali remain under semi-lockdown” with large-scale limitations on public activities (PSBB) from 11 until 25 January 2021.
Regulation and limitation of public activities have been put in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

As reported by, the private transportation sector in both Java and Bali are targeted for limitation under the Transportation Minister Circular Memorandum Number 1 of 2021:
- Those traveling from Java to Bali by private vehicle are obligate to show proof of a negative result on Rapid Test PCR Swab or a non-reactive result on a Rapid Test Antigen test. The required results from either test must have been performed 3 x 24 hours before departing for Bali.
- In addition to recommending those traveling to and from Java undergo a Rapid Test PCR Swab or Rapid Test Antigen within 3 x 24 hours before departing on their journey, travelers are also required to fill out an e-HAC (Indonesia Health Alert Card) prepared by the Ministry of Health.
- Children under the age of 12-years are not required to Java undergo a Rapid Test PCR Swab or Rapid Test Antigen in connection with their journey.
- During the prescribed period of 11-25 January 2021, the government will perform random Rapid Antigen Tests on private vehicles’ occupants at various locations, including rest areas on major roadways and toll roads.
- In Jakarta, the Governor of Indonesia’s capital orders includes limiting public transportation from operating above 50% capacity.
- While this capacity limitation does not include “ojek” (i.e., commercial pillion passengers on motorbikes), police remind drivers not to gather in groups larger than five people and follow all health protocols.