Rate of Growth Slows for Bali’s Economy.
Tag: Bali economy
Tourism Boosts Bali’s Economy +5.43%
Overly Dependent on Tourism Sector, Bali’s Undiversified Economy Grows 5.43% Through Q3 2024.
Why Bali Reopens Despite Soaring COVID
Tourism Minister Explains Why it is Imperative for Bali to Reopen its International Borders
Contraction of Bali’s Economy Predicted
Bali Expert Predict Worsening Economic Contraction in 2021,
Bali Needs a Diversified Economy
Bali Must Reduce Over-Dependence on Tourism.
Bali Hotels for Sale – Make an Offer!
Out of Cash and Running Out of Time: Bali Hotel Industry on the Verge of Collapse.
Bali Property: Bear, Bull, or Beggars Market?
Why Bali’s Property Market is Nearly Impossible to Navigate for Foreigners in a Time of Global Plague.
Bali Toll Road Traffic Down by 75%
Vehicular Traffic Has Declined by 75% of Bali Mandara Toll Road during COVID-19 Pandemic.
Creating Employment & Restoring Reefs
Jakarta Sets Up Job Creation Program in Bali Employing more than 13,000 in Reef Restoration Project.
Bali Fruit Growers Seeking an Export Market
High Shipping Costs Preventing Producers from Exporting Bali Fruits to Overseas Markets
Petition to Facilitate Digital Nomads
Wahyu Taufiq Launches Petition to Urge Indonesian Government to Create New Visa Class for ‘Digital Nomads’ in Bali.
COVID-Damned if We Do, Damned if We Don’t
Editorial: Why Reopening Bali’s Borders Now May Prove the Most Prudent Course of Action in the Battle Against COVID-19.