Bali Prosecutors Seek to Increase 2.5 Year sentence for 2,19 grams for Grass to Six Years.
Tag: Bali News
Twas the Night Before Christmas in Bali
Bali Update Podcast: Grab a Cup of Coffee, a Slice of Christmas Cake, and Listen to Our Very Balinese Rendition of “Twas the Night Before Christmas”
Russian Gets 2.5 years for 2 Grms of Grass
29-Year-Old-Russian Woman Sentenced to 2.5 Years in a Bali Prison for Possession of 2.19 Grams of Marijuana.
Tax Amnesty for Outer-Island Vehicles Ends
Bali Provincial Government Falls Short of Targeted ‘Conversion’ to Local Vehicle Registration During Four-Month Tax and Penalty Amnesty.
3 Month Long Gastronomic Trilogy
Aperitif, Locavore, and Mozaic Restaurants – world-renowned restaurants all located in Ubud, Hold a Three-Month Gastronomic Trilogy Starting 12 December 2020.
Zero Tolerance for Hoods & Baksheesh
New Bali Police Chief Vows No Tolerance for Gangsterism and Illegal Levies in Bali.
State Seeks to Increase Jerinxs Sentence
State Prosecutors in Bali Decide to Appeal and Seek Longer Prison Sentence for Jerinx-SID for Defamation and Hate Speech Conviction.
Bali Police Chief Sets Rules for Pilkada
Bali’s New Chief of Police Lists 14-Point Code of Conduct for Bali Police During Coming Regional Elections (Pilkada).
Editorial: Let No One Go Hungry in Bali
Editorial: In the Expanding COVID-29 Crisis, Bali Authorities Must Support the Island’s Agricultural Sector and Take Steps to Make Sure No One Goes Hungry.
Bali Property: Bear, Bull, or Beggars Market?
Why Bali’s Property Market is Nearly Impossible to Navigate for Foreigners in a Time of Global Plague.
Jerinx-SID Jailed 14 Months for Defamation
Defamation and Hate Speech Trial of JERIN-SID Concludes with 14-Month Prison Sentence for Balinese Punk Rock Drummer
Temporary Gianyar Market Lacks Customers
Temporary Market in Gianyar to Accommodate Traders While New Sukawati Market is Built, Lacks Customers