In conformance with the order of the National Chief of Police, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, calling for digital ticket ticketing and the ending of in-person ticket issuance by the police, equipment is being installed in major cities, including Bali’s capital of Denpasar, to allow Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE).

As reported by, Commissioner Satake Bayu explained on Friday, 18 November 2022, that ELTE surveillance equipment has been initially installed in the following 7 locations:
- At the intersection of Jalan Teuku Umar and Jalan Imam Bonjol
- At the intersection of Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai and Jalan Pulau Serangan
- At the intersection of Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai and Jalan Raya Kampus Unud
- In front of the operations base on Jalan Bandara Ngurah Rai west of the Gas Station.
- In front of the operations base on Jalan Bandara Ngurah Rai east of the Gas Station
- On Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai at Benoa, South Kuta
Satake Bayu said: “Electronic ticketing has been in operation for three months. The mobile system has been in use since preparations were underway for the G20 Summit.
Satake said the public who violate traffic laws are no longer ticketed directly, with traffic summons issued via an e-ticketing system. The actual traffic violation is digitally photographed and sent electronically to the violator based on the addresses recorded on the car registration (STNK).
The vehicle owner is expected to pay the fine shown on the issued ticket within two weeks or face difficulties in renewing their registration annually.
Traffic police officers on patrol can photograph the violation, which can be sent to headquarters for processing. Police say they will be patrol seeking motorists committing violations such as a failure to use a seatbelt, smoking while driving, or using a handphone while driving.
Traffic violators are given two weeks to settle their fines. Failure to pay would result in the vehicle registration being blocked in the system.