The Indonesian Forum for the Environment (WAHLI) Bali is calling into severe question the development of the Treetop Hotel Ubud built on Jalan Bisma in Ubud, Gianyar Regency.
As reported by, a meeting attended by the Forestry Service (Binas Kehutanan) and the Environmental Agency in Bali (DLKH-Bali) convened to discuss the Environmental Impact Study (AMDAL) of the Treetop Hotel saw WALHI-Bali express the opinion that the hotel violates existing zoning rules.
The Head of DLKH-Bali attended the meeting in Ubud, Made Teja, with Kus Pambudi Raharjo, the person-in-charge of PT Genereasi Cipta Mandiri – the hotel’s property development company. The meeting commenced with a physical visit to the Treetop Hotel Project Site, followed by a meeting at the Bucu View Resort close to the development.

The Executive Director of WALHI-Bali, Made Krisna Bokis, explained on Tuesday, 19 November 2024, that he is concerned that the Treetop Hotel Project does not comply with zoning restrictions.
Continuing, Bokis said that most of the hotel, restaurant, and bar complex is on land reserved for plantations/gardens that, according to existing local laws, cannot be converted to non-agricultural uses.
Bokis said that reviews done by WALHI-Bali showed significant variances between the “approved” designs and plans filed with the government in the permit and licensing process and the actual construction now underway for seven villas, a restaurant, and a bar in Ubud.

Bokis underlined that the documents misrepresenting the construction now underway invalidate the Environmental Impact Study and statement (KA-ANAL) on file for The Treetop Hotel Ubud.
“In addition to the spatial planning issues, the potential environmental impact of this project also needs to be considered. One thing that needs attention is the project’s close proximity to the Oos River,” said Bokis.
Later, environmentalist activists represented by I Made Juli Untung Pratama and the Working Committee for Environmental Advocacy (KEKAL) stated that a review of the project indicates that large portions of the Treetop Hotel Development severely violated zoning setback rules from the local river bank. Pratama added: “If this is left unaddressed, it can have a deleterious effect on the river’s ecosystem and worsen the environmental quality of Ubud and the surrounding areas.”
Moreover, WALHI-Bali points to the Treetop Hotel Project in Bali as proof that Ubud is overdeveloped and suffering from worsening overtourism. The WALHI representative observed: “The ongoing traffic congestion and land conversion in Ubud are clear signs that uncontrolled tourism development has reached a critical point.”
Also, on 19 November 2024, WALHI-Bali shared data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) that shows Gianyar Regency is one of the areas in Bali with the highest number of tourism accommodation developments, both non-star hotels and starred hotels. Bokis added: “This adds pressure on the area’s increasingly limited space and natural resources.”
Bokis said that WALHI Bali is protesting the project and has sent an official letter to Drs. I KEKAL, Head of the Bali Provincial DKLH, request that the construction of the Treetop Hotel Ubud be suspended until the project’s problems can be resolved.
“WALHI remains committed to continuing to monitor this issue so that development policies in Bali remain in favor of environmental sustainability and community welfare,” he concluded.
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