The Secretary of the Bali Provincial Task Force for the Mitigation of COVID-19, I Made Rentin, explained that every effort is being made to vaccinate the people of Bali.
As reported by Radar Bali, the drive to vaccinate the entire populace of Bali began with health workers, public servants, and the elderly.

1,260,613 people living on the Island of Bali have received the initial injection, with only 597,269 receiving the second injection.
Based on a target of 3 million vaccinations for the people of Bali, 42% have received the first shot, and 19% have received both the first and second injection.
2,684,740 vaccines have been allocated for Bali, with the remaining stock of 836,858 dosages still awaiting distribution.
Meanwhile, authorities report that new cases of COVID-19 in Bali are now in decline.