The Bali office of the Meteorology, Climate, and Geophysics Agency (BBMKG) recorded 324 earthquakes in 2023. This total declined 25.5% from the 435 earthquakes touching Bali recorded in 2022.

Quoted by, the head of BBMKGG in Denpasar, Cahyo Nugroho, said on Sunday, 31 December 2023, that most of the earthquakes recorded in Bali were calculated at 271 (25.5%) seismic events on the island measuring at a magnitude of 3 or less on the Richter Scale.
Fifty-two earthquakes in Bali in 2023 measured between Richter 3 and Richter 5.
The overwhelming majority of earthquakes registered in Bali had epicenters at an average depth of 60 kilometers.
For Bali and adjoining regions, including East Java, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara – 5,500 earthquakes were recorded on land and sea in 2023. Earthquakes in this broader region measuring less than 3 on the Richter Scale totaled 3,971 (72.2%). Meanwhile, quakes measuring between 3 and 5 magnitude numbered 1,508 in the region surrounding Bali.
Earthquakes measuring more than five magnitude in the Bali region in 2023 numbered 21.
Nugroho continued, saying: “Earthquakes cannot be accurately predicted. For this reason, education and simulations are needed to prepare for possible earthquakes and tsunamis to minimize resulting property damage and casualty counts.”
BBMKG and the Bali Agency for the Mitigations of Natural Disasters (BOBD) are coordinating efforts to ensure the public is aware and prepared to face the ever-present threat of earthquakes and tsunamis.
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