reports that The Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono, is now targeting a new tender process for the construction of a 96.21-kilometer-long stretch of the Gilimanuk-Mengwi Toll Road will take place in October or early November 2023.
The rebidding process is necessary due to the financial inability of one of the original investors to proceed with the tollway project. As a result of this financial inability, the tollway project is at least temporarily stalled.
Basuki said on Thursday, 12 October 2023, at the InterContinental Bali Resort in Bali: “Hopefully, by the end of this month or next month, the project can be tendered for bids.”
The PUPR Minister said that the new tender process would include the participation of National Toll Road Enterprise (BUJT), which is expressing its interest in building the toll road connecting Bali’s population centers in the Island’s south with the Bali-Java ferry crossing at Gilimanuk.
Basukin has signaled his agreement to allow State-Owned enterprises to participate in the tender process.
Basuki says the Bali Toll project will be recommenced in 2024.
Earlier, the PUPR assured that the Gilimanuk-Mengwi toll road would be constructed by July 2024. Separately, the Secretary of the National Toll Road Agency (BPJT), Triono Junoasmoro, confirmed that the Gilimanuk-Mengwi project has gone into temporary suspension.
Triono stated that the BPJT has already advanced a budget projection of Rp. 7-8 trillion to secure land parcels to permit the tollway to be built. Triono explained that efforts to acquire land rights were commenced after that step was authorized by the Minister of Finance and targeted to be completed in early 2024.
The Forum of Village Leaders Impacted by the Toll Project (Forum Perbekel Terdampak Tol) has expressed relief that the tollway construction will proceed by July 2024. The Forum received official assurances following a meeting with the BPJT in Denpasar on Wednesday, 11 October 2023.
The chairman of the Forum, I Nyoman Arnawa, commented on Thursday, 12 October 2023, “For now (these assurances) will assuage the ill-ease felt by many residents regarding the toll road.” Arnawa explained that a further meeting would be convened in late October or early November. He hopes all the affected village leaders will attend so he can provide complete details and answer any questions about the toll road to the public.

Bali’s Governor Comments
Bali’s ad interim governor, Sang Made Mahendra Jaya, is quoted by saying he is prepared to meet with village chiefs (perkebel) who desire the Jagat Kerthi Bali Toll Project connecting Gilimanuk and Mengwi to proceed as planned.
Mahendra Jaya is also seeking input from the Ministry for Public Works and Housing (PUPR) to confirm the toll road down Bali’s western coast will be built.
“The quicker, the better. If (officials) want to meet with me, I would like that very much,” the governor said during a coordination meeting with members of Bali’s House of Representatives (DPRD-Bali) on Thursday, 05 October 2023. At the same meeting, Mahendra stated that he would try to question the Ministry of Public Works (PUPR) to seek confirmation that the 96.21-kilometer-long tollway will be built. Adding, “The PUPR Ministry is handling this project. Let me ask them about the status.”
Earlier, the Provincial Secretary of Bali, Dewa Made Indra, pledged to facilitate the aspirations of local village chiefs (perbekel) in the areas affected by the Jagat Kerthi Bali Tollway Project and to obtain definite clarification from the central government.
Indra emphasized that the Gilimanuk-Mengwi Tollway is not a Provincial Project but a Central Government responsibility under the PUPR Ministry and the National Toll Road Agency (BPJT).
Extreme Poverty
During the meeting with the DPRD, Governor Mahendra Jaya promised that during his one-year-long pro-tem-governorship, he would focus on inviting all interested parties to discuss how to execute the directions given by President Joko Widodo to eliminate extreme poverty and reduce stunting due to poor childhood nutrition during 2024.
Governor Mahendra Jaya emphasized that the “extreme poverty rate” in Bali is very low at 0.54% – a total much lower than the national average. He said he would work to continue and strengthen the programs and development mission he inherited from his predecessor, Governor Wayan Koster.
Trash Disposal
Mahendra Jaya said he will also focus on adequately handling Bali’s trash over the coming year. He said that as an international tourism destination, Bali must overcome the crucial problems surrounding the disposal and recycling of trash.
During the meeting with DPRD members, Mahendra Jaya was bombarded with complaints and recommendations from legislators, including improvements in the Island’s infrastructure, road repairs, and flood control.
Representatives from the Island of Nusa Penida also demanded that the lack of freshwater supplies be addressed. Island residents now spend up to Rp. 2 million monthly to purchase fresh water.
Related Links
Gilimanuk Toll Road Work to Begin Q4 2021
95-km Denpasar-Gilimanuk Toll Road by 2024
96.9 Km Gilimanuk-Mengwi Toll by Nov ’24
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