The newly appointed Russian Ambassador to Indonesia, Sergei Tolchenov, has responded to reports circulating in the Indonesian press regarding misbehaving Russian nationals visiting or living in Bali. Ambassador Tolchenov said the Russian Embassy in Jakarta is working to verify whether Russian tourists obey local laws during their visits to Bali.
Speaking during a press conference held in the Ambassador’s official residence in South Jakarta on Tuesday, 20 August 2024, Tolchenov stated he disagrees with the viewpoint that Russian tourists are the most badly behaved visitors in Bali. Adding: “I don’t believe the people accusing Russian tourists of being the worst among foreign visitors who don’t obey local laws and customs in Bali. I’m sure it’s not only Russians who commit crimes.”

Reports regarding violations of the law involving Russian tourists in Bali have received increasing attention in the Indonesian press after the COVID-19 pandemic subsided. Press reports have cited various violations of customary norms and mores, traffic violations, and criminal acts. At one point, former Bali Governor I Wayan Koster proposed revoking the Visa on Arrival facility for Russian and Ukrainian citizens in 2023 in response to what the Governor alleged were rampant law violations by citizens of both countries.
Tolchenov noted that around 40,000 to 45,000 Russian citizens live and visit Bali., the Bali Provincial Central Statistic Agency (BPS-Bali) reported that 144,104 Russian tourists have visited the island in 2024.
Tolchenov underlined that most Russian tourists visiting Bali are law-abiding individuals who obey local regulations. “We continue to try to persuade Russian visitors to follow and obey the law. When there is a problem, our responsibility is to provide consular assistance,” said Ambassador Tolchenov.
As part of the Russian Government’s plans to resolve the issues surrounding problematic Russian tourists visiting the Island, Tolchenov said his Government is considering opening a consulate general in Denpasar, Bali. He added, “I have been lobbying with the Russian Government to open a consulate in Bali to improve the handling of problems encountered by our citizens.”

The Russian Ambassador took time to underline that Bali has an excellent image in the eyes of many Russians who visit the island on holiday. Stating: “When I speak with my colleagues in Russia, Bali is very famous. I hope the Balinese will also have a positive image of Russian tourists visiting Bali.”
Sergei Tolchenov was appointed Ambassador for Russia to Indonesia, replacing Lyudmila Vorobyova on 14 May 2024.

Born in 1965, Tolchenov began his diplomatic career in 1988 by attending the Institute for International Relations in Moscow.
Previous diplomatic assignments include diplomatic roles in Cambodia (1988-1992), and Vietnam (1994-1998), and (2002-2005). From 2008 until 2013, Sergei served as Minister-Counsellor at the Russian Embassy in Jakarta.
From 2013 until 2024, Tolchenov was Deputy Director of Asia-Department III at the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry.
The new Russian Ambassador is the father of two and is fluent in his native Russian, English, French, and Vietnamese.
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