Bali’s Governor Wayan Koster has declared 29 January 2023 as Bali Arak Day in honor of the Island’s homemade distilled beverage.
The declaration was made in an official decision signed by the Governor (Surat Keputusan Gubernur Bali Nomor 929/03-I/HK/2022). The State News Agency Antara quoted Governor Koster saying: “Within the framework of our strategy to strengthen and promote Arak Bali, Gubernatorial Decision Number 1 of 2020 on regulations regarding the management of fermented and/or Bali distilled beverages serves as the foundation for raising the visibility, value, and reputation of Arak Bali.”

The Governor continued, saying his other goals are to protect and safeguard Arak Bali following the Island’s cultural values. The Governor wants the local arak industry to create employment opportunities and become a sustainable part of the Provincial economy.
The Governor declared 29 January 2023 as “Arak Bali Day” in a proclamation he signed on 24 December 2022.

Under Governor Koster’s administration, small and medium-sized enterprises operated by local people and cooperatives are now enjoying legal protection and a range of government support. The Governor proudly exclaims that many Arak Bali products now hold distribution permits from Indonesia’s Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) and the appropriate excise tax stamps from the Finance Ministry.
In conclusion, the Governor said that the Arak Bali sector is experiencing creative leaps forward in attractive and elegant packaging and innovative improvements in taste and aroma.
Speaking from the Taman Budaya Art Center in Denpasar, the Governor counted 28 different Arak Bali products that are now in circulation since 2022. Adding: “The people of Bali are increasingly familiar with Arak Bali, which resembles once again a situation common among our ancestors.
“I personally routinely drink coffee arak (kopi arak) without sugar. The taste is so delicious and makes the body healthier, and I can work until late in the day,” said Governor Koster. He explained that Arak Bali is the end product of a long, precise, unique, and meticulous process passed down through the successive generations of the Balinese people. “
In the past, the Balinese consumed Arak Coffee to maintain good health, said Koster The Governor insists there is a whole range of health benefits to be derived from Arak Bali. “I see that we can get many positive aspects from Balinese wine apart from being used as a part of traditional ceremonies, and it is also good for health as a drink to warm the body. Bali Arak also has economic potential as a source of livelihood and welfare for the Balinese people,” said the Governor.
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