Bali’s Governor Wayan Koster issued a circular memorandum on 25 October 2022 (Nomor: 35425/SEKRET/2022), limiting various public activities in connection with the execution of Indonesia’s Presidency of the G20 Summit.
The preamble to the Circular Memorandum justifies the need for the numerous limitations on the public as necessary in anticipation of the historic and vitally important G20 Summit in Bali on 15-16 November 2022. The Governor said the success of the G20 Summit would play a fundamental role in the global challenges in a post-COVID-19 pandemic world.

The Governor said the G20 Summit in Bali must be successfully conducted in a smooth, organized, convenient, secure, and peaceful manner.
To achieve these ends, the Governor announced measures affecting education, government, and private sector offices, and traditional and religious ceremonies to be imposed between 12-17 November 2022 in connection with the G20 Summit. Health facilities are exempted from the restrictive measures.
Education activities in the districts of Kuta, South Kuta, Badung Regency, and South Denpasar should be conducted online during the proscribed period for grade school, junior high, high school, trade schools, and places of higher education.

Work from Home
During the period 12-17 November 2022, offices in Bali should operate on a “work from home” basis.
Reduce Access and Mobility
Access and mobility will be limited, and roads controlled destined to the official venues of the G20 Summit as follows:
- Limited vehicle operations on roads leading towards the Hotel Apurva Kempinski in Badung Regency, 12-17 November 2022.
- Limited vehicle operations on roads leading to the Indonesian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) Nusa Dua in Badung Regency, 12-17 November 2022.
- Limited vehicle operations on roads leading to the Bali Mandara Toll Road in Badung Regency, and Denpasar, 12-17 November 2022.
- Limited vehicle operations on roads leading to the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park (GWK), Badung Regency, on 15 November 2022.
- Limited vehicle operations on roads leading to the Tahura Mangrove Conservancy in Badung Regency and the City of Denpasar, 15-16 November 2022.
Work from Home
The Regent of Badung, the Regent of Gianyar, the Regent of Tabanan, the Mayor Denpasar, the leadership of vertical installations in Bali, the leadership of regional agencies in Bali, and the leadership of nationally-owned and regionally-owned enterprises are all reminded to instruct their staff and employees living in Kuta, South Kuta, and South Denpasar to work from home during the period 12-17 November 2022.
Scrutiny of Limitations on Pubic Activities and Movement
The Regent of Badung, Regent of Gianyar, Regent of Tabanan, and Mayor of Denpasar are instructed to undertake field supervision to ensure the absolute imposition of restrictions on public movement is implemented and enforced.
The Head of the Provincial Association of Villages (MDA) and the chairman of the Interfaith Harmony Association in Bali (FKUB) are both asked to ensure their respective membership and communities located on roads leading to ITDC Nusa Dua, Hotel Apurva Kempinski, Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK), and the Tahura Mangrove Conservancy all temporarily postpone mass gathering and religious ceremonies during the period 12-17 November 2022.
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